The World First Underwater Jetpack

14.000 ₤**

*Jetpack \dʒɛt.pak\ Propulsion device worn on a person’s back to enable flight in the air or in space… and now in water!

** Starting price does not include VAT, shipping and customs costs, packaging and storage box.

Unparalleled freedom

Originally designed for combat divers, firefighters and rescuers, our underwater jetpack is now available for civilians. Unlike competitors systems, you swim hands-free, with unprecedented freedom of movement!

Move “weightlessness” in all dimensions

Securely fixed to your back, the jetpack becomes a natural extension. It gives you an unparalleled freedom and exhilarating sensation of diving in “weightlessness” in all dimensions, without any comparison with the nautical machines that tow you. No underwater device has such natural maneuverability and such propulsive force in a compact design!



Ergonomic and intuitive controller.

Color display

All critical information in a bright color screen.

Thrust control

Jetpack thrust micrometric control.


thrust power






depth limit

Awesome power to weight ratio

Thanks to its patented propulsion system and its compact design, our underwater jetpack delivers 40 Kg of thrust for a weight of 13.2 Kg, i.e. a weight/power ratio of 3:1. Its extra powerful turbin propels you at the speed of 3 meters per second. The batteries also show exceptional performance with an autonomy of 40 minutes. Enough to take you very quickly and very far.

Power & comfort

Unique harness design transfers thrust from the underwater jetpack to the swimmer while maintaining flexibility and comfort.

Smooth & low profile design

The smooth and low profile design minimizes drag in the water and makes the jetpack particularly manoeuvrable. Thus, the rapid changes of direction and the most acrobatic movements (such as rolls) are done with disconcerting ease.

Coatings & finishes adapted to each profession

16.900 ₤

21.125 ₤

Marine camo
Only for professionals

Tactical camo
Only for professionals

Only for professionals

Event horizon black absolute
25.350 ₤

Nos partenaires exclusifs
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